Riana Raouna is pleased to present the gallery's first online exhibition "Invitation au Voyage", featuring a selection of original works by some of the gallery's exciting artists. The exhibition title has been borrowed by the epic poem of Charles Baudelaire "L' Invitation au voyage" (Invitation to a voyage) originally published in 'Les Fleurs du mal' in 1857, where the poet reflects upon the unreachable search of the Ideal in matters of love.
"Invitation au Voyage" is informed by Jacques Lacan's idea of pleasure as uncontained ecstasy, known as 'jouissance'. It is also informed by the philosopher's doctrine of the 'mirror image' based on which, the fulfilling image one sees in the loved one is a misrecognition of the idealized self.
The exhibition brings together 14 paintings from Henry Glover, Jeehye Song, Kate Howe, Marina Olympios and Ming Ying. Some of the works are accompanied by thoughts and quotes from the artists, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the exhibitions theme, as well as their works.
Through a combination of abstract and figurative works, the viewer is invited to a visual and emotional journey which is unique to one's personal experiences and memories.
Curated by Riana Raouna
Ming YingIf only we had said love earlier, 2020Oil on cotton60 x 90 cm
23 5/8 x 35 3/8 in -
"These lonely, desolate landscapes, are imaginary and dreamlike. They reflect the vast span of aspects that comprise our private selves; our aspirations, our desires, and our fears. I create snapshots of memories, quiet unsaid moments, framing phrases and lyrics to this effect."
Henry Glover
Kate HoweHeavily Myelinated, I went that way again when I was trying to go the other. Will try again tomorrow (From Love Letters Across 172 Years with JWM Turner), 2021Painting160 x 200 cm
63 x 78 3/4 in -
Kate HoweI’m wearing a groove in myself trying to hail, the arms of the ocean won’t stand still long enough for you to see me (From Love Letters Across 172 Years with JWM Turner), 2021Oil on canvas249.9 x 214 cm
98 3/8 x 84 1/4 in -
"Love gives you strength, it crashes your inherent hatred and prejudice. It completes you and your life, connecting you with the essence of existence. Without love there is not point of existing"
Marina Olympios
Jeehye SongYou found it, 2018Mixed media on canvas140 x120 cm